
A simple and unified notation for both object and markup data. (beta)

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Mark Data Model and APIs

Mark has a simple and fully-typed data model. It is an extension to the JSON data model. Mark extends JSON data model with 3 new data types: binary object, Mark pragma and Mark object.

Mark’s data model is designed so that a well-formed HTML or XML document can be converted into Mark document without any loss in data model.

Roughly speaking, JSON, HTML and XML data models are subsets of Mark data model, and Mark data model is a subset of JS data model.

1. Binary Object

A binary object is represented by an JS ArrayBuffer, containing the bytes decoded from the source characters in either base64 or ascii85 encoding.

It has a property encoding, which can have the value b64 or a85.

Unlike string, consecutive binary objects within the content of a Mark object are not merged.

2. Mark Pragma

Mark pragma is just a simple object with string content when data model is concerned. The interpretation of the text content stored in the pragma object is left up to the application. Mark pragma can be thought of like comment in HTML and processing instruction in XML.

2.1 Pragma vs. Comment

Mark comment is only a lexical construct. All Mark comments are thrown away during parsing, and they do not appear in the parsed data model.

Mark pragmas are preserved during parsing and appear in the result data model.

2.2 Pragma API

Mark pragma constructor:

  • Mark.pragma(value): constructs a pragma object with the given value string.

The constructed pragma is a special JS object. It’s does not have a constructor, like other normal JS objects. typeof pragmaObj === 'object', however pragmaObj.constructor is undefined. It has the following API functions:

  • pragmaObj.pragma(): returns the content string stored in the pragma;
  • pragmaObj.parent(): returns the parent object of the pragma.
  • pragmaObj.valueOf(): inherited from Object.prototype.valueOf, and just return the pragma itself.
  • pragmaObj.toString(): returns "[object Pragma]".

Mark pragma is a specially constructed JS object, it has been stripped off all standard JS object methods except the ones defined above.

3. Mark Object

Mark object extends JSON object with a type name and a list of content objects. Mark object is designed to act like element in HTML/XML.

A Mark object essentially contains 3 facets of data in its data model:

  • type name: a string that represent the type name of the Mark object, which is like element name in HTML/XML.
  • properties: a collection of key-value pairs, like properties of JSON objects, and attributes of HTML/XML elements.
    • For Mark object, property key cannot be numeric, which is reserved for the content objects. JSON object in Mark can still have all kinds of keys.
    • And property key must be unique under the same object, for both Mark and JSON object. (JSON spec has left this open, and there are many implementations accept duplicate keys.)
  • contents: an ordered list of content objects, which are like child nodes of elements in HTML/XML. Mark utilizes a novel feature of JS that JS object can be array-like. It can store both named properties and indexed properties.

Mark has some restrictions on the objects that can be stored in the content:

  • Objects allowed in Mark content are: string, binary object (i.e. ArrayBuffer), Mark pragma, JSON object, Mark object.
  • Array, number, boolean and null values are not allowed in Mark content.
  • Consecutive strings are merged into one single string.

These restrictions are defined so that Mark content model can align with that of HTML and XML.

3.1 Core API

Mark object constructor:

  • Mark(source): shorthand for Mark.parse(source). source parameter must start with ‘{‘.
  • Mark(type_name, properties, contents): Mark object constructor takes 3 parameters, except type_name, the other 2 are optional.
    • type_name: a string. It must not start with ‘{‘.
    • properties: a JSON object containing name-value pairs. Numeric property keys are ignored.
    • contents: an array of content objects. Null values are skipped, primitive values are converted into strings, arrays will be flattened, and consecutive strings will be merged into one.

The constructed Mark object is just a simple POJO. So basically:

  • type_name: can be accessed through
  • properties: can be accessed through markObj.prop or markObj['prop'] when prop is not a proper JS identifier. You can also use JS for ... in loop to iterate through the properties. Unlike normal JS array, Mark object has been specially constructed so that Mark contents are not enumerable, thus do not appear in for ... in loop.
  • contents: can be accessed through markObj[index]. You can also use JS for ... of loop to iterate through the content items.

Besides the above POJO behaviors, there are some additional prototype functions defined to work with the data model:

  • .length: when length property is not defined on the object, it returns the number of content items stored in the Mark object; otherwise, it returns the value of the length property. You can use Mark.lengthOf() to get the content length, when length property is defined on the object.
  • .contents(): returns the list of content items stored in the Mark object.
  • .parent(): returns the parent object of current Mark object.
  • .source(options): shorthand for stringifying current Mark object.
  • .text(): returns a string, which is the concatenation of all descendant text content items.

As Mark object is array-like, most functional JS code that works with array-like data, can be work with Mark object without change. The following API functions are directly mapped to those from Array.prototype.

  • .filter(callback, thisArg): mapped to JS Array.prototype.filter.
  • .map(callback, thisArg): mapped to JS
  • .reduce(callback): mapped to JS Array.prototype.reduce.
  • .every(callback, thisArg): mapped to JS Array.prototype.every.
  • .some(callback, thisArg): mapped to JS Array.prototype.some.
  • .each(callback, thisArg): mapped to JS Array.prototype.forEach.
  • .forEach(callback, thisArg): mapped to JS Array.prototype.forEach.
  • .includes(searchElement, fromIndex): mapped to JS Array.prototype.includes.
  • .indexOf(searchElement, fromIndex): mapped to JS Array.prototype.indexOf.
  • .lastIndexOf(callback, thisArg): mapped to JS Array.prototype.lastIndexOf.
  • .slice(begin, end): mapped to JS Array.prototype.slice.

When these API functions are overridden by properties of same name, you can still call them from the Mark.prototype,

3.2 Static API

There are a few important API functions defined on the static Mark object:

  • Mark.lengthOf(markObj): returns the content length of a Mark object.
  • Mark.parse('string', options): parses a string into Mark object. It takes an optional parameter options.
  • Mark.stringify(markObj, options): serialize the Mark object back into string. It takes an optional parameter options.
    • may be used to control spacing in the final string. If it is a number, successive levels in the stringification will each be indented by this many space characters (up to 10). If it is a string, successive levels will be indented by this string (or the first 10 characters of it).

Mark does not support reviver function defined in JSON.parse(), and replacer function defined in JSON.stringify(). They are not structured nor secure way to serialize and deserialize custom data types.

3.3 Mutative API

Mutative API functions are now separated into its own sub-module mark.mutate.js, which allows this part to be easily excluded from the package, if Mark is used in a pure functional manner.

The mutative API functions defined on a Mark object are:

  • .set(key, value): if the key is numeric, then it sets the indexed content item of the Mark object; otherwise, it sets a named property of the Mark object.
  • .push(item, ...): pushes item(s) at the end of the contents of current Mark object. However, unlike JS Array.prototype.push, which returns the new array length, this function returns the current this object, so that the function call can be chained.
  • .pop(): pop an item from the end of contents.
  • .splice(index, cnt, item, ...): remove cnt of items starting at the index, and then insert given item(s), similar to Array.splice(...).

The mutative API function defined on a Mark pragma:

  • .set(value): sets the content in the pragma, and returns the pragma itself.

3.4 Converter API

These are additional prototype functions implemented in mark.converter.js, for mapping Mark into other formats:

  • markObj.html(options): serializes the Mark object into HTML. options parameter is same as that of Mark.stringify().
  • markObj.xml(options): serializes the Mark object into XML. options parameter is same as that of Mark.stringify().

3.5 Selector API

These are additional prototype functions implemented in mark.selector.js, for processing the constructed data model using special selectors, like CSS selector:

  • markObj.matches('selector'): returns whether the markObj matches the given CSS selector.
  • markObj.find('selector'): returns child or descendent content objects that matches the given CSS selector.